Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 7-DQ (2)

Module 7-DQ (2)

Q Is paid sick leave a good or bad policy? Include valid, properly cited source material in support of your answer.

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Paid sick leaves are always a good policy because, it enables all the working employees to take up a completely paid time-off in order to recover from common short illness, health problems like flu that they are actually suffering from or it may be from anticipatory care. Besides, these paid family and medical leave policies do allow people to take long period of time that may be partially or fully paid for individual serious medical condition or just to take care for their nee child or may be the family members who requires support for suffering from any serious health condition (DeRigne et al., 2016). Usually, paid sick leaves both benefit the employer as well as the sick employee.